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Pedagogical council in action.
09-04-2019 15:33
       Pedagogical council in action.

        Today, at the State School “Lyceum № 20” helded the thematic pedagogical council “Spiritual and moral education of students through the implementation of the value settings of the program «Ruhani zagyru».

        The report ZDVR Smakova M.R. The main directions of implementation in the lyceum of this program in the current academic year were highlighted. Teachers Baildinova DS, Bolatova N.O., Zvyagintseva Ye.A., Frik L.I. presented the experience of educational work at the lesson and extracurricular activities. The above teachers on the eve had open lessons, class hours, aimed at the development of a spiritual, moral, multicultural personality.

      Thanks to purposeful pedagogical cooperation, a modern lyceum student possesses universal human values, norms and traditions of the life of Kazakhstani society.

        In the practical part of the pedagogical council, the teachers got acquainted with the NIS projects and made their suggestions for implementing the «Ruhani Zhanyru»  program in terms of the lyceum's educational work.An expert group of experienced teachers praised the work of teachers of the school-lyceum. All recommendations made during the meeting were made to the decision of the teachers' council.