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XV scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren
08-05-2019 21:07
XV scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren

        It has become a tradition to hold within the walls of the school-Lyceum № 20 scientific and practical conferences, during which the Lyceum students together with their supervisors present research works. On may 6, 2019, the traditional XV scientific and practical conference of schoolchildren "Problems, searches, solutions"was held. The conference was held in five sections, 21 works were presented to public hearings. The reports considered topical issues in various fields of science: linguistics and journalism, history, local history, environmental protection, psychology, computer science, physics and mathematics. In the conference, the chairmen and the involved scientists InEU: Imambaeva G. E. – Chairman of the section "Actual problems of Kazakh, Russian and foreign Philology", doctor of philological Sciences Zh. Bekturova B. – Chairman of the section "History, local studies", candidate of philological Sciences, Khamzina S. S. – Chairman of the section "Biology, environmental protection", candidate of pedagogical Sciences. Scientists noted the relevance of the research culture, public speaking skills of Lyceum students.

        According to the results of the conference, the winners took 1,2,3 places.