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Сәрсенбі 15.00-17.00
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Single national parent meeting at the school-lyceum number 20
16-05-2019 15:21
Single national parent meeting at the school-lyceum number 20

      On the initiative of the Department of Pre-School and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on May 15, 2019, all organizations of secondary education recommended holding a nationwide parental meeting on the theme: “Family education is the basis for the formation of citizenship of the younger generation” on International Family Day.  In the school-lyceum number 20, the parents' meeting was held under the motto: “Together we are strength!” The main purpose of the parent meeting was the interaction of parents and teachers in discussing issues of family education, increasing responsibility and role in the upbringing of children.

    The director of the lyceum school, Topanova Gulnar Tuiyakovna, addressed the parents with a welcoming speech. She congratulated the audience on the International Family Day, and brought to the notice the agenda of the parents' meeting:

1. The role of the “Rouhani zagyru” Program in educating the younger generation.

2. Family values ​​in enhancing the interaction of parents and school.

3. Final certification of students of 9 - 11 classes.

4. Summing up the school year, the quality of students' knowledge.

5. The activities of the board of trustees in school management.

6. Boards of advice and parental committees of educational organizations.

    With information about the interaction of parents and the school, the activities of the board of trustees "Shapagat" were made by the deputy director for educational work Smakova MR Suleiman RT, Deputy Director for profile education, told about the final certification of students in grades 9-11. She also summed up the years 2018-2019.

     At the end of the meeting, parents and teachers exchanged views, the administration of the school-lyceum answered the parents' questions of interest.