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Welcome back, boys ...
20-05-2019 22:05
Welcome back, boys ...

      On May 17, tenth-graders of lyceum No. 20, future defenders of the Fatherland, returned from field training. For five days, the guys got acquainted with the basics of military service. They learned how to throw grenades, assemble an automatic rifle for a while, step into the ranks. Matured, tanned teenagers were greeted with stormy applause and flowers within the walls of their native school. Lekerov Olzhas and Abdygalimov Abylaikhan brought diplomas with which they were awarded for dexterity, skill, strength and courage.

    Headmaster Topanova G.Т. congratulated the young men on the successful completion of field training camps and wished to improve their physical and moral qualities. Classmates organized a tea party for the boys. In a warm, friendly atmosphere, future recruits shared their impressions of the unforgettable days spent by OSOL.

      Field training will help high school students to join the army life and further join the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.