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Visiting the art Museum of Pavlodar
04-06-2019 18:54
Visiting the art Museum of Pavlodar

          Students of the specialized camp "Baldauren" school-Lyceum №20 visited the art Museum of Pavlodar. For students was held a small tour in which they learned that in the Museum there were more than 5500 thousand exhibits and when the Museum opened. The Museum's collection includes leading professional artists of Pavlodar S. I. Kalmykov, A. M. Cherkassky and children saw a collection of paintings.

       Particular interest made the art-literary and musical presentations, video films   presented at the Museum. Pavlodar regional art Museum continues to expand and develop its collection.  It presents accounting and personal exhibitions of Pavlodar artists, photo exhibitions, exhibitions of youth projects, an exhibition of children's drawings, traveling exhibitions from the collection of leading museums. We believe that visiting the exhibition has increased children's respect for their ancestors and love for their native land.