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Follow the rules of conduct on the water
12-06-2019 20:10
Follow the rules of conduct on the water

             Today with pupils of school-Lyceum №20 was held a lecture with the head of the operatively-rescue division of the emergency Department of Pavlodar region Gazov V. A. on the topic of "safety Rules on the water in the bathing season". The purpose of the event: to acquaint children with the rules of safe behavior on the water, to develop a sense of caution, responsible behavior for their lives and the lives of others. The students were told about the safety rules on the waters, safety precautions when bathing. Lyceum students watched a video about what situations you can get in if you do not comply with safety rules, how to determine a drowning person, what to do if he choked with water, how to provide first aid to the victim. The children were told about basic life-saving equipment and skills of behavior in critical situations.  Students were also provided with information on the number of accidents over the past year and their causes. This lecture was very interesting and informative for students: they learned a lot of useful information that will help to protect them from the tragedy in the summer on the water.