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Lesson of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
02-09-2019 20:35
Lesson of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan

     Today, at the Secondary  School-lyceum N 20, a single lesson of citizenship and patriotism was held. The purpose of the lesson was the formation of a constitutional and legal culture, patriotism, an anti-corruption model of behavior among schoolchildren, and a careful attitude to the natural and historical-cultural heritage of the native land. As part of the lesson, the lyceum students spoke about the Constitution of Kazakhstan, which showed its high efficiency, ensured peace, harmony and prosperity, continued development of the country, increased well-being of Kazakhstanis, increased trust and respect for the young and aspiring to the future community.

      At the lessons, videos, presentations were demonstrated, reference materials were used. The knowledge acquired by students at the “Lesson of the Constitution” can be further developed in the lessons of the humanities, classroom hours and other events.