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Lesson Abay.
16-09-2019 11:45
Lesson Abay.

          In the framework of the celebration of the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbaev, a meeting was held today with the secondary school-lyceum №20 with Daniyal Sabyrovich, a well-known Aba-scholar in the republic. The lesson was held in the library, where students heard about the life and work of Abay, his invaluable contribution to world literature. Daniyal Sabyrovich masterfully recited excerpts from the works of the great akyn “Segiz Ayayak”, “Kalyk Elim, Kazaym, Kairan Zhyrtym” and “Kara Sozder”, amazing the audience with magnificent reading by heart. At the end of the lesson, a dialogue was held by Asenov D.S. with students: the range of questions that lyceum students tirelessly asked was wide and related not only to Abay’s creativity, but to the activities of the master of the word.

         The words of edification of the great son of the Kazakh people are always relevant, especially for the younger generation. The lessons of Abai should become traditional in schools, as they help to expand the knowledge of lyceum students about akyn, Kazakh literature, and foster love for the Fatherland and the culture of the native land.