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Day of Spiritual Consent
18-10-2019 18:33
Day of Spiritual Consent

      Today, the Republic marks the Day of Spiritual Consent. Kazakhstan is a country that in a difficult time of global controversy managed to make the idea of ​​spiritual harmony a real force aimed at preserving and strengthening interethnic and interfaith harmony, religious tolerance and peaceful intercultural dialogue.

        Events dedicated to the Day of Spiritual Concord at school lyceum№ 20 were aimed at the formation of spiritual and moral values ​​of the younger generation. The form of the events was diverse: the intellectual quiz “Spiritual unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan: past and present”, the information hour “Spirituality and morality are inalienable qualities of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, a demonstration of the documentary “Kazakhstan in search of spiritual unity”.

       Spiritual harmony between people of different nations, religions is one of the main tasks that should be solved, first of all, in the framework of the comprehensive education of schoolchildren.