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Summed up the "Excellent" week
26-10-2019 13:16
Summed up the

     The training sector summed up the results оf the week of excellent assessment, which took place from 16 to 23 October.

     According to the results оf the week of excellent evaluation, the absolute winner was a student of the 11th Grade Іsenova Аydana, who received 15 "fives" in five days. On the II place students of 11 a class Akhmetov Adiya, Ramazanov Saida, earned 11 "excellent". In third place, a student of 11 a class Baymuldinova Madina, who received 10 "fives" for a week. Among classes Champions Weeks excellent estimates recognized 11 B class, in their piggy Bank 122 "five", that amounted to 4.7 on one student.

     Stay in this position, graduates!