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Сәрсенбі 15.00-17.00
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01-11-2019 21:54

       In order to select and support the most talented and gifted young researchers, to promote the formation of intellectual potential of schoolchildren, the city stage of the Republican competition of scientific projects among students of grades 8-11 was held on October 31, 2019.

          14 Lyceum students of school-lyceum №20 presented their research works to the court of scientists, over which they worked for a year under the guidance of teachers.  According to the results of the competition, 11 participants were awarded prizes. Diplomas of the II degree were awarded: Apusheva D., 8A class (teacher Zhakiyanova G. K.), Abysheva K., 11B class (teacher Mulikbaeva T. S.), Akchurina M., 11A class (teacher Frick L. I.), Kalenova D., 10B class (teacher Smakova M. R.), Kapenov M., 11A class (teacher Zvyagintseva E. A.), Olzhabaeva A., 11B class (teacher Aubakirova G. M.), Sansyzbay N., 10B Class,  (teacher Kabysheva Zh.); diplomas of the III degree-Bakdaulet A., 11B class (teacher Shazhankanova B. M.), Bayseitova D., 11B class (teacher Aubakirova G. M.), Ensebay A., 10A class (teacher Shomanova M. S.), Temirbulotova A., 10B class (teacher Baildinova D. S.).