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Guardian's Day
29-10-2020 11:31
Guardian's Day

Guardian's Day is a special holiday, and today we congratulate the people who have taken upon themselves the great responsibility for raising children. Such people serve as an example of kindness, participation and spiritual generosity to our entire society.
There are 14 guardians in the State Institution “School No. 21”. Thanks to the guardians, children, for various reasons left without parental care, received the most important thing in their life - family, warmth, love and care.
Dear Guardians! You give children confidence in the future, instill in them hard work, focus on self-development, achieving high results and a benevolent attitude towards people, which is so necessary for happiness.
We wish you good health, happiness, mutual understanding, family well-being, success in all your endeavors, optimism!
May faithful friends and reliable assistants always be with you.