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From 19 to 25 October, the international football tournament "Golden Autumn" among teenagers was held in Almaty.
02-11-2020 09:59
From 19 to 25 October, the international football tournament

From 19 to 25 October, the international football tournament "Golden Autumn" among teenagers was held in Almaty. The tournament was attended by 16 teams from different cities of Kazakhstan: Almaty, Astana, Aktau, Shymkent. Karaganda and others .. Our city was represented by the team of the football center "Pavlodar". One of the best players in the tournament is a student of our school, Merzhoev Gapur. He was awarded a 1st degree diploma and a gold medal. The victory of the young footballer is not accidental. For honorary awards - years of hard work and strict discipline.
Gapur started playing football at the age of five. With a tight schedule of sports activities, Gapur is also an excellent student. He also takes part in intellectual competitions, olympiads. According to Gapur, it was sport that taught him how to be organized, cherish every minute and achieve his goals. We congratulate our classmate Merzhoeva Gapura on the victory and wish him the conquest of new peaks.
Press center 6 "V" class.