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Сейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00 Бейсенбі 15.00 - 18.00
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"21 ЖОМ" ММ-де 5 сыныптар арасында онлайн режимінде Павлодар облыстық психикалық денсаулық орталығының медициналық-психологиялық көмек психологы Анна Александровна Небельцова темекі шегудің алдын алу туралы дәріс оқыды.
19-11-2020 14:22

At school 21, in the online mode among 5 grades, the psychologist of medical and psychological care of the Pavlodar regional center for mental health Anna Aleksandrovna Nebeltsova gave a lecture on the prevention of tobacco smoking. During the lecture, students were introduced to the causes of tobacco addiction, recommendations were given to adolescents on how not to become addicted to tobacco and how to be able to say "No!" in various situations where a teenager may be offered a smoke for the first time. Anna Aleksandrovna also answered the students' questions.