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В онлайн-режиме прошла встреча с известным спортсменом г.Павлодара Ефимовым Никитом Сергеевичем,
25-11-2020 11:33
В онлайн-режиме прошла встреча с известным спортсменом г.Павлодара Ефимовым Никитом Сергеевичем,

12.11.2020 in "School 21" an online meeting was held with the famous sportsman of Pavlodar, Efimov Nikit Sergeevich, head coach of the handball department of Pavlodar region, coach of the highest category, second coach of the youth team of Kazakhstan. Pupils of Efimov N.S. are multiple champions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in handball. The meeting took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. The students asked the questions they were interested in and received complete answers