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Научиться говорить «нет» достаточно сложно
22-01-2021 08:24
Научиться говорить «нет» достаточно сложно

Learning to say "no" is hard enough. But as you learn how to do this, you will feel more confident as people, because you will be able to decide how to manage your time and will not be burdened with other people's requests. A school psychologist conducted a lesson with training elements for 4th grade pupils. Purpose: to teach the ability to refuse. Tasks: consider requests when you need to be able to refuse at school, at home, on the street; parse formulas for polite refusal. The ability to refuse will be very useful to you in life, because you will be able to choose what you really need and are interested in, and not go in the general stream and do everything for others.