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In order to prevent offenses, from May 25, 2020, the education department, together with the juvenile police, organized raids in microdistricts.
26-05-2020 14:18
In order to prevent offenses, from May 25, 2020, the education department, together with the juvenile police, organized raids in microdistricts.

In order to prevent offenses, from May 25, 2020, the education department, together with the juvenile police, organized raids in microdistricts. During the raid, drinking establishments, computer rooms, as well as other alleged places of youth gathering were visited, and courtyards were visited. The administrations of institutions are notified of the prevention of children in the evening without being accompanied by legal representatives.
In anticipation of the summer period, in order to ensure the safety of children's lives, raids along the coast are carried out together with emergency services.