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"You are the best!"
28-09-2020 20:13

There was an intellectual game "You are the best!" on the Day of Languages ​​of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of that event was the development of linguistic and cultural skills. The game turned out to be very interesting and educational. The high-school students happily passed all levels! We congratulate the winners! 1st place - Alan Tyulegenov, a pupil of 10 "A" class; 2nd place - Aziza Toleubayeva, a student of 9 "B" class; 3rd place - Zarina Araslanova, a student of 9 "B" class. Congratulations!
The English teachers who organized that event: Nataliya V. Butsygina, Nina T. Zhumabayeva and Aigul O Magzhanova.