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Abai - this is a "guide to improving yourself."
18-09-2023 12:46
Abai - this is a

The first school oratory contest dedicated to the Day of Languages was held under the motto "Words of Edification" by Abai - this is a "guide to improving yourself." 12 participants from grades 9-11 in Kazakh, Russian and English unanimously canceled that Abai's "Words of Edification" have not lost relevance for more than a century. They still serve as spiritual food and are a "guide for improvement" for every young person. The winner of the contest with a convincing speech in English was a student from the 11th "A" class, Ksenia Bezdetko. The winners were Nepomnyashchaya Ilona, Yasmin Dzumatova, Alexandra Bezdetko, Aidana Еspaeva, Saraprgali Dilnaz.
