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Spread your wings!
30-01-2017 03:48
Spread your wings!

   Information on holding a single class hour "Spread your wings!", Dedicated to the XXVIII World Winter Universiade 2017 ".
    According to the order of the education department of Pavlodar on January 25 in
 Grades 1-11 passed a single class hour dedicated to the World Winter Universiade in Almaty. The purpose of the classroom is to give students a systematic picture of the World Student Games as a significant international sports and cultural event in the life of young people and the importance of holding the 2017 Winter Universiade in Almaty. At the class hour, students learned about the history of the Universiade, their purpose, and the peculiarities of the organization and conduct of the Universiade.

   At the class hour in the 5th grade, an instructor of VF, a candidate for master of sports in speed skating, Petukhov NG, was invited. He spoke about the benefits of practicing the skating section, the need to build physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.