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We are friends with the printed word
21-04-2017 04:40
We are friends with the printed word

  On April 20, students of grade 8b visited the Pavlodar Regional Scientific Library named after S. Toraigyrov, where the book fashion show "We are friends with the printed word" took place. Books of Kazakhstan and foreign authors were presented. Models of the Vernissage Fashion Theater held a defile of books in colorful, carnival costumes.
The head of the theater of fashion, O. N. Kharitonova, presented a collection of clothes “Oner, velvet season, witch, evening fairy tale”. The main staff and the younger group of the theater performed on the stage. Studenka PSPI Alnur Seytkulova recited poems by Abai, a student of music school №1 named after. Kurmangazy Roman Novoseltsev sang the song “Spring Motives”. The kids really enjoyed the event.