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График приема граждан:
Thursday from 14.00 - 18.00 h.
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Polyglot - 2010
30-08-2010 18:00
Polyglot - 2010

During the summer holidays, the specialized detachment "Polyglot" worked in school № 27 to develop interest in learning languages ​​and enhance cognitive activity in the study of the history, culture and traditions of the Kazakh people and English-speaking countries. Pupils of 6-8 grades took part. All children actively attended language school and showed good knowledge and creative abilities.

According to the work plan, the following events were held: the polyglot lexical game, the Isharat Tili Men Zhyyesi conversation, during the Great Britain cognitive quiz, the children showed their creative abilities and curiosity, in the traffic rules lesson the children argued, exchanged opinions and did conclusions, during the game "Sigirly Sandy", at will, they chose and told fairy tales in the Kazakh and English languages. In the opinion of children, they liked the literary evening “Ulama Adamdar” and the creative work “English in pictures”. Completed work profile squad "Polyglot" visiting the cinema them. Sh. Aimanov.