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Thursday from 14.00 - 18.00 h.
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Gifts of autumn
05-10-2017 04:00
Gifts of autumn

Competition-exhibition "Gifts of Autumn - 2017"
on school №27 of Pavlodar
From 2.10 to 4.10.2017, the school held a competition-exhibition "Gifts of Autumn - 2017" among students in grades 1-4. One could see interesting works that parents did with their children. There is also a “magic tree”, “fabulous glades”, an interesting herbarium, as well as unusual crafts made from vegetables and fruits. Many thanks to parents and children for the creative initiative and participation in our exhibition. Among the participants were awarded diplomas students:

1 "A" - Nikita Fedotov 1 place, 1 "B" - Beysekev Karim 1 place, 1 "C" - Zuev Misha 3 place, 1 "G" - Botuman David 2 place, 2 "A" - Kochunbaeva Dilnaz 3 place, 2 "B" - Sharypov Yermek 1 place, 2 "B" - Abdykarimov Aylin 1 place, 2 "G" - Pravdivets Polina 2 place, 3 "A" - Timchenko Vova and Angelina 3 place, 3 "B" - Stogova Miya 2 place, 3 "B" -Nagliy 1 place, 4 "A" - Margarita Pivkina 3 place, 4 "B" - Efimenko Bogdan 3 place, 4 "B" -Girina Anita 3 place. Well done !!!