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Thursday from 14.00 - 18.00 h.
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Day of propaganda of languages
17-04-2018 16:01
Day of propaganda of languages

On April 16, School No. 27 hosted a day of language propaganda. Responsible was the Ministry of Teachers of Kazakh and English. In the corridors and recreation schools were placed words and phrases in Kazakh and Russian.
Within its framework, an exhibition was organized in the library "Kazakhstan - beibitshilik pen kelisim mekeni"
a dictation for teachers "Tіl - dostyқ tіregy" was conducted,
flashmob uch-Xia 8 classes «Kazakha әnderi« Қara zhora »,« Alғa, Қазақстан »,
there was a contest of reciters among the pupils of the 2-3 classes "Tuғan tіlіm - bailyy"
competition of proverbs and sayings among the pupils of the 7th grades "Өner aldy-izzyl til", "
quiz among the pupils of the 6th grade "Тілі бірдің-тірегі бір".