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"Zhas Kyran" joined the ranks.
02-05-2018 15:01
        On May 2, 2018 in the school № 27 there was a ceremony of dedicating students to the ranks of the children's and youth organization "Zhas Kyran". The main goal of "Zhas Kyran" is to increase public social, cognitive and creative activity of schoolchildren. The ceremony began with the removal of the State Flag of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event was attended by: school administration, school self-government, parents' committee and students of 2 classes.
    There are two public organizations "Zhas Ulan" for pupils of grades 5-10 and "Zhas Kyran" for primary school students. Today 40 students from among the best pupils of the primary school of the second class, excellent pupils and horoshists, prize-winners of city and regional competitions, competitions fell out of honor to be accepted in the ranks of "Zhas Kyran".
   In a solemn atmosphere were given badges, symbolizing the acceptance of students in the ranks of the children's and youth organization "Zhas Kyran". The pupils proudly uttered the oath "Zhas Kyran". The solemn ceremony of the children's and youth organization "Zhas Kyran" ended with a festive concert.