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Thursday from 14.00 - 18.00 h.
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We remember. We are proud
14-05-2018 16:00
We remember. We are proud

On May 14, 2018, the traditional competition of the staged military-patriotic song dedicated to the Great Victory was held at the ecological school.
   The contest is aimed at military-patriotic education of the younger generation, the propaganda of military-patriotic songs and the popularization of works about the Great Patriotic War, the formation of a sense of patriotism,
education of love for the motherland.

     Students 8 "A" class SOSH number 27 with great interest and very creative attitude to the contest, together with the class teacher, performed the song "Smuglyanka." The performance of the class was accompanied by thematic presentations and costumes. Boys and girls sincerely conveyed the atmosphere of the war years, soldiers' friendship, unshakable will and joy of Victory.

Honorary guests-veterans of the Afghan war attended the contest.
             As a result of the competition, our class took the third place.