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Ceremonial admission of students in the ranks "Zhas Ulan" and "Zhas Kyran"
30-11-2018 16:52
 Ceremonial admission of students in the ranks

  As part of the implementation of the program “Ruhani Zagiru”, on November 30, 2018, on the eve of the celebration of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, our school number 27 held a solemn ceremony of admission to the ranks of the republican youth organization Zhas-Ulan and Zhas-Kyran primary and middle managers which was established on the instructions of the Head of the State N.A. Nazarbayev.
The main purpose of admission to "Zhas Ulan", "Zhas Kyran" is to increase the public social, cognitive and creative activity of schoolchildren.

   The solemn ceremony was opened by introducing the flag of the single children and youth organization "Zhas Ulan". After the performance of the national anthem, under the friendly applause of the students, teachers and parents, attending the event, the young “Zhas Kyranovtsy” and Zhas Ulanovtsy entered the scene. Light excitement was read from the faces of the children, but his eyes were filled with joy, pride for their homeland.

The right to hand over the badges was provided to high school students - senior representatives, teachers of the organization and guests of the solemn event. Then all members of the youth organization uttered a solemn oath.

Schoolchildren with excellent and good performance and good behavior, who joined the ranks of “Zhasulan” and “Zhas-Kyran” now have a distinctive badge with the image of a warrior - the Golden Man, and tie; and members of Zhas Kyran have a badge with a symbol of an eagle flying into the future. For school students, this is one of the most important days in their school life. Deputy Director for educational work Berguzinova G.Zh. expressed her congratulations with a significant event.

And at the conclusion of the event, the student of the 3rd class of Zainutdinova Sofia was performed the song “Tugan Zher”.
 We wish the young “Zhas Kyranovtsy” and “Zhas Ulanovtsy” to be the pride of our country, always and in everything to be an example for their peers and the whole younger generation !!!!!