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Republican informational campaign “Childhood without violence”
09-12-2017 05:37
Republican informational campaign “Childhood without violence”

      In the period of November 20-29, 2017 within the Republican informational campaign “Childhood without violence” on 25th of November in our school there were competitions as “Sports struggle is only in sport”, “Father, mother and me are the sports family ”, “Family and love is in Shanyrak”.
     6 families from 5-6th grades participate in competition. As a result of competition Ayazbayevs from 5th grade got first place, second place got Zhusips, and Kenesbayevs family from 6th grade, third place got the Karimovs from 6th grade. Kashenovs, Mahambetovs, Ermuhambets families were awarded with a letter of thanks for their active participation.