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Family is a small society
09-12-2017 05:45
Family is a small society

        Within the framework of the Republican information campaign "Childhood without Violence" in school №35 has planned intraschool activities. The motto of the campaign is: "Childhood is the birthplace of charity." The purpose of the information campaign is to draw the public's attention to the issues of child abuse, to form a connection with the public on the issue of preventing cruel treatment of children.
        The objectives of the information campaign: societies, including adults and children: cruelty and its consequences for the child and society as a whole; in this industry to develop their awareness in matters of international and national legislation; in all corners of our Republic, journalists work on the issue of violence and child abuse.
       On the basis of this event, discussions were held with parents on the topics "Street", "Teenager", "Child in the Night City" (raid), "The child has the right to live without violence" and "The role of parents in the family" (article for parents), and with the students (grade 5), there was a cognitive class hour on the topic: "The family is a small society". The event was attended by both parents and students with teachers.
Purpose of the measure: the role of the family in society, fostering love and respect for family members, mutual respect and moral attitude in the family.
       The students were divided into groups, given names and motto to groups, performed assignments in the form of proverbs and sayings, and at the very end of the event drew a dream house in the "Beautiful Home" task, where they painted not only the family members, but also showed all the necessary conditions for a full development of mankind.
      The event was very popular with children. There were no winners or losers here. The winner is one - this is friendship. Friendship is the road that will lead humanity to unity, victory and prosperity.

School №35