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The flag of the blue flag ...
13-12-2017 11:12
The flag of the blue flag ...

      November 8, 2017 in the pre-dawn Diversity In the 6th class of our school was a contest quiz on the topic:
      "The flag of my country of flags". The class has been divided into three groups: "Tauelsizdik ulany", "Zhas Kazakh", "Bayterek". Participating in the quiz, climbing up and rolling his shoulders.
      Delay stops at stations "Capital of Kazakhstan - Astana", "National symbols", "Cities of Kazakhstan", "Auylmys golden cradle", "Salt-tradition" 6 "A" class "Tauelsizdik ulany" have dropped earlier. The team "B" in "Baiterek" class was inactive, and the team "Zhas Kazakh" is well known. At the end of the event prozvuchali pesni "Land of birth" and "I am Kazakh". The activity was activated due to compensated flame burners.

                             Vojataya А.Т. Baitemirova