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Kazakh girl is noble and honorable
03-04-2018 23:42
Kazakh girl is noble and honorable

     On March 2, 2018 in our school there was a competition “Kazakh girl is noble and honorable”. The competition took place among the students of 5-6th grades. The aim of competition was to bring up such personality features as kindness, responsibility and tendency to art.

     The competition consists of some stages: greeting “I’m a daughter of my nation”, quiz which connected with traditions and customs “Do you know traditions and customs?” contests for the best hairstyle and songs.

     According to results a student of 5th «A» grade Olzheken Kamila had the main prize. First place – Zhaksybekova Adelya (6«Ә»), second place- Kusmanova Alima, (5«Ә»), third place – Nurmagambetova Alina(6«А»), Asylhanova Anel(5«Б») and Aituarova Ayana(6«Б»)

Vozhatyy Baitemirova A.T.