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"Мектеп жобасынан Қазақстанның зияткерлік элитасын қалыптастыруға"атты ғылыми-практикалық конференция өтті.
21-12-2018 07:19

A scientific-practical conference "From school project to the formation of the intellectual elite of Kazakhstan" was held in school №42 named after M. Auezov. The main goal of this event is the development of students' intellectual creativity, their involvement in research activities. 98 students attended the conference.

The event was held in two stages: a plenary session, at which the winners of city and regional competitions addressed to the participants. They are: 4th B grade student Tleubergenov Arystan theme of the project "The Art of drawing up compositions" and 8th A grade student Anna Nechiporenko theme of the speech "The role of healthy eating for human health".

Then the work was carried out in 7 sections, where moderators were members of the administration and subject teachers. The event was held at a high methodical level.