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Advice for parents
Health improvement of preschool children
in the conditions of preschool organization.
Kindergarten № 86 Of the Department of preschool institutions of Pavlodar was opened in June 1975. In 1989, the kindergarten was transformed into a health kindergarten for frequently ill children with colds. This need arose due to the high incidence of preschool children in the city. Department of education of Pavlodar region our kindergarten was given the status of a health kindergarten . The staff of the kindergarten created the necessary conditions for the successful preventive health care of children and their full development. For this purpose, a partial reconstruction was carried out inside the building in which the pool was built. sauna, physiotherapy room, exercise room. In order to maintain and improve the health of children in the state additionally introduced the pediatrician, visiomodeler, nurse massage, instructor in physical education and swimming instructor. For many years, the kindergarten has been working on the problem of children's health. Health, as a condition of freedom of life, is the main factor in the system of the most important human values. Today it is extremely important to ensure human health in the real conditions of its existence. The way of life can be healthy only when it develops, supplemented by various new, healthy elements, habits and thus improved. The main objectives of the kindergarten are: - Protection and strengthening of children's health. - Formation of vital motor skills of the child in accordance with its individual characteristics, the development of physical qualities. - Creation of conditions for the realization of children's needs in physical activity. Nurture the need for a healthy lifestyle. - Physical and mental well-being. The successful solution of tasks is possible only under the condition of complex use of all means of physical education:
Rational mode,
Hardening (in everyday life; special hardening measures)
movements (morning gymnastics, developing exercises, sports games, physical training).
Based on the tasks set, we draw up a curriculum for the development of the kindergarten to improve the system of physical education and rehabilitation of children. Pediatrician:Stambekova G. M. GKKP "Nursery-garden№86»
At home give fresh fruits, berries, vegetables (apples, plums, pears, currants, cabbage, green peas, garlic, beets, onions).
Rinse mouth regularly after meals.
To give the house the infusion of rose hips.
Lubricate the pharynx with a solution of Lugol, Kalanchoe for 7-10 days 2 times a day.
Give multivitamins 1 dragee 3 times a day for a month.
Common baths with infusion of herbs (chamomile, series, oak bark), pine baths, sea salt every other day – 20 baths in total.
Prevention of influenza, acute respiratory infections – interferon, oxolinic ointment.
Massage on the chest area.
It is necessary to carry out 2-3 of the above activities at the same time.  
In early childhood, mild forms of flat feet are usually painless, but in the future, as the child grows, this deficiency can increase, cause a lot of trouble and even lead to curvature of the spine. The main means of prevention is special gymnastics. A set of special exercises: 1 – walking on socks; 2 – walking on the outer arch of the foot; 3 – walking on an inclined plane; 4 – walking on a gymnastic stick; 5 – riding the ball with your foot; 6 – catching the ball with your feet; 7 – squats standing on a stick; 8 – squats on the ball; 9 – the capture and burial of sand in the toes; 10 – capture and shifting small items with your toes. Finish the exercise by walking on the toes, the usual walk.