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Күн сайын: 09.00 - 12.00, 15.00-18.00
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Тағамдарыңыз өте дәмді - 2
Всего проголосовало: 2
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Ежегодно 1 апреля вся планета отмечает Международный день птиц. Этот день призван привлечь внимание жителей  Земли  к проблемам зимующих и перелетных птиц, а также поддержания их видового разнообразия и численности. В школьной библиотеке  была проведена игра-викторина «Мир птиц», в которой приняли участие учащиеся 5в класса.

В ходе игры  дети смогли проверить свои знания о птицах, узнали новые интересные факты из жизни пернатых.

On the eve of the celebration of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a quiz "Did You Know Your Motherland" was held in the library together with the history teacher Nakupova Bakhyt Borashevna. During which students of 8 "B" class were able to show their knowledge on the history, art, culture of Kazakhstan. The following students were distinguished by good knowledge: Danenya Madenova, Daria Shamrina, Alisher Berdimbetov, Novoseltsev Roman.


Library lesson in 8 "A" class



ВWithin the framework of the program "Ruhani zhanyrou" a quiz "This land and yours and mine" was held in the school library with students of the 6th grade "B". Students were offered questions on the history of the city of Pavlodar and Pavlodar region.



 In the school library with students of the 4th "B" class, a quiz "Our Common Home" was held, where the children showed their knowledge about the animal and vegetable world of our planet. The winners of the quiz are: Nurkenov E., Suleimenova G.

For this event, the book exhibition "Our Common Land" was arranged.

"ABC of Children's Poetry" - under this title an event was held in the library with students of the 2 "in" class, where the children showed their knowledge of the works of outstanding children's writers: A.Barto, S.Marshak, K.I. Chukovsky, S.Mikhalkovа