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Сәрсенбі 15.00-17.00
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     There is local press center which occupies with the publication of school newspaper

Newspaper is the history of the world for a day.
It’s the history of the world we live in and
events of which interest us more than
the ones referring to the past,
existing  only in memory.
А. Schopenhauer

   Today we require from our students not only knowledges but also activity, initiative, ability to make decisions in difficult situation. Accordingly, the organization of educational process should be changed so students could apply their knowledges in real life. Since education process gives students not enough abilities to feel like grown up, they find other ways of showing it. Our aim is to direct them on the right way.

   School newspaper is the modern mean of educating the patriotic feeling, forming active civil position and raising the interest in studying.

School newspaper tasks:

*school life review;

*assistance in students’ informational culture education;

*increase of interest in studying and social life of school, region, country;

*development of intelligence, creative and communicative abilities;

*forming of humanistic attitude to surrounding world, aspiration to healthy lifestyle;

*realization of civil patriotic education;

*forming of tolerated mind;

   The goal of creating a newspaper is also demonstration of possibilities of new information technologies in education.

Press center participants’ responsibilities distribution:

1. Curator of project - Nurmahanova Zh.М.

2. Main redactor – Amanzholova Azhar

3. Designer– Krasnova Kristina, Muratov Dias

4. Journalists – Bazarbek Mirhat, Musalieva Asel’, Ospanova Dalida

5. Photo correspondents – Gumarova Anel’, Tukaeva Aydana

6. Correctors – Kurasheva Aydana, Vakker Marina

Newspaper headings:

1. Sports news ("How it was")

2. School chronicles (history of school).

3. Expert’s opinion..

4. News of the classes.

5. In the world of interesting.

6. Events, facts (school informational news).