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Topanova Gul’nar Tuiyakovna
“Pavlodar city School-Lyceum №20” PI
“Yesterday I wanted to be smart and change the world,
Today I’m wise so I’m changing myself”
Sri Chinmoy
Our hearts demand changes
   School is our future day. It depends on everyone which day will be tomorrow. School is an amazing land, where every day doesn’t look like the previous one, every moment is a search for something new, interesting. There is no time to be bored, you should develop yourself, be interesting for surrounded you people, gift others your energy, knowledge, skills, hurry to find new.
   I became a cadet of Pedagogical Master Centre, realizing the necessity of changes, developing of your professional skills. The study days had begun. It was possible to feel yourself inspirited, exhausted among the manifold of theoretical materials and practice works, changing each other during a day. It brought a special color to the feeling of presence. It wasn’t easy, but incredibly interesting. It made us reframe some ideas and study new ones. There were no ready answers! You ought to find everything by yourself, maybe, make mistakes, but go on. What confirms to positive sides, all said and written was accepted, everyone’s opinion was considered. It made you inspirited and motivated.
   Course program demonstrates us that today school needs a team of adherents. If only we unite the efforts of director – the leader, teachers; we are able to identify the priorities in the strategical planning of school development.
   By the finishing of the first part of courses and retracing at school to practice, I hope my team upholds me. Together we should do a lot of things during short time.
   My goal is to create convenient conditions for adherent’s team work, to motivate pedagogical colleagues on changing and reaching final results of school activities. My experience, which I got at courses, can lead our powers to the realization of planned.