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   Мектеп директорының міндетін атқарушы    Онянов Тимур Петрович   Жеке қабылдау кестесі:   Сәрсенбі 15:00 - 17:00 Бейсенбі 15:00 - 17:00  
Оur school
         In 1964, in the area of ​​the television center, at that time the only one in this region, a secondary school No. 27 was formed. In 1996, the decision of the Akim Ilyichevsk district of the city of Pavlodar was renamed the State Institution "Secondary School No. 27".   The principals of the school: 1964-1970 - Vasiliev A.I. 1970-1972 - Kudryashova M.V. 1972-1974 - Blech R.R. 1975-1977 - Lomeiko V.K. 1977-1980 - Rihau A.A. 1980-1986 - Chub M.I. 1986-1988 - Zaitseva E.D. 1988-1996 - Ostapenko V.A. 1996-2000 - Abeldinov E.S. 2000-2003 - Mahmutova G.M. 2003 - 2020 Asylov Zh.S.       Currently, the school has 33 classes-kits, in which 743 students study. The school works in a two-shift mode.       The main objectives of the school: ensuring the quality of education in accordance with the current and future needs of the individual, creating conditions for the introduction and development of the state language, providing the conditions for realizing the vital positions of each inclusion in society.       In order to improve the educational process, the pedagogical staff of the school is working on the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies, creating conditions for...
Home page
  WE ARE GLAD TO WELCOME YOU ON THE SITE   SECONDARY SCHOOL №27!      Dear parents! We bring to your attention that for all questions you are interested in, you can turn to the section "Virtual reception" on the website of the education department bilim-pavlodar.gov.kz, as well as to the "Virtual reception" of school № 27.     The telephone number of the department of education is 321937.   The school's trust phone number 27 is 338123.     Our address: The Republic of Kazakhstan 140000 c. Pavlodar, st. Pavlov 17 Telephones: Reception Room: 33-81-23 Accounting: 33-81-46 Methodical cabinet: 33-81-25 E-mail: 27_school@mail.ru      
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1962 жылы Павлодар қ. № 26  жалпы орта білім беру  мектебінде бірінші қоңырау соғылды.         2014 - 2015 оқу жылында мектепте 794 оқушы оқиды.     1- 4 сыныптарда – 395 оқушы,   соның ішінде мемлекеттік тілде оқытылатын  - 90 оқушы        5 - 9 сыныптарда – 362  оқушы,   соның ішінде мемлекеттік тілде оқытылатын - 86 оқушы   10 - 11 сыныптарда – 37 оқушы                                            Ұстаздар саны – 74   Жоғары санатты - 31   Бірінші санатты - 24   Екінші санатты - 11   Санатсыз - 8      Мектептің жеңістері мен жетістіктері    Мұғалімдердің жетістіктері    Резник А.В. -  Халықаралық мәдениет және шығармашылық фестивалінің жүлдегері (тамыз, 2012ж), Педагогикалық интернет-олимпиадасының лауреаты (шілде, 2012ж), Қазақстандық интернет-олимпиадасының қатысушысы (сәуір, 2013ж), «Ақпаратты-коммуникациялық технологиялар білім беруде»...
Home page
School is a house of joy for children, creativity for teachers, peace for parents ...          Our address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, st. Semenchenko, 70 Our contacts: director's reception (fax)) - 601920 head teachers, accounting - 602114 watch - 601968 e-mail: scool26@mail.ru
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Оur school
STATE INSTITUTION SECONDARY SCHOOL № 24 OF PAVLODAR   Name: State  institution "Secondaryschool  № 24of Pavlodar". address:  Pavlodar city, Kutuzov Street, 190. year of commissioning: 1961 year of input of an extension: 1988 type of school: mixed (with state and Russian of training) contingent of pupils: 1565 pupils (on  9/5/2017 ) quantity class of sets: 63 from them: 777 girls from them:788 boys with a state language of  training- 675 pupils with training Russian language- 980 pupils from them: 1 grade9 classes (4/5) 85/134  pupilsstate / Russian language 2 grade7 classes (3/4) 64/109  pupilsstate / Russian language 3 grade8 classes (4/4) 82/108  pupilsstate / Russian language 4 grade6 classes (3/3) 70/87  pupilsstate / Russian language 5 grade6 classes (3/3) 81/92  pupilsstate / Russian language 6 grade6 classes (3/3) 69/74  pupilsstate / Russian language 7 grade6 classes (3/3) 64/76  pupils state / Russian language 8 grade5 classes (2/3) 49/58  pupils state / Russian language 9 grade5 classes (2/3) 50/69  pupilsstate / Russian language 10 grade2 classes (1/1) 15/21 pupils state / Russian language 11 grade2 classes (1/1) 16/8  pupils state / Russian language direction of work of...
Home page
   We are glad to welcome You! on the official website of the secondary school № 24 spend most of our time here. Together we learn the world, learn a lot, become smarter and wiser. In our school for many years maintained customs and traditions that make our school life more fun, interesting and exciting! Every event in our school is another reason to gather all students and teachers together, to give each other joy and smile. We want to share with you stories from our school life, our successes and victories. To tell about the experience of our work, and, of course, to share their knowledge.  e-mail: schola24@mail.ru       60-42-68