Телефон доверия
email: sosh27@goo.edu.kz
Адрес: 140006 c. Pavlodar, st. Pavlov 17
reception: 33-81-23, accounting: 33-81-46, methodical study 33-81-25
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График приема граждан:
Thursday from 14.00 - 18.00 h.
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Passport School №27
Руководитель: Онянов Тимур Петрович м.а.
Дата открытия: 1.09.1964
Адрес: 140006 c. Pavlodar, st. Pavlov 17
Проектная мощность: 950 seats
Общая площадь: 4842.6 sq. m.
Контингент: Total-743 students. Grades 1-4 – 415 students. Grades 5-9 – 284 students. 10-11 grades-36 students
Сменность: two shifts
Материальная база: there are 35 classrooms, including 7 specialized classrooms (computer science - 2, physics - 2, chemistry - 2, biology - 1, a psychologist's office, a medical unit (a medical worker's office, vaccination, dental), a dining room for 84 seats, a gym, a robotics office, a chess room, an electronic teacher's room, a library with a reading room for 10 seats.
Кадровый состав: Total number of teachers-51 By education: Higher-47 (92,1%) By category: Highest and first-34 (66,6%)
Сведения о питании учащихся: Hot food coverage-81 %
Финансирование: 2017 year-130 854 500 tenge., 2018 - 154 109 400 tg., 2019 - 180 449 900 tg
Капитальный ремонт: 2018 - 8 837 000 tenge.
Сведения об организации: 2018 year - 2 486 400 tenge. (multimedia equipment) The school works on the theme:"Improving the quality of education through a system of criteria-based assessment in inclusive education". There are two gymnasium classes. Take root: - partial integration of children with special educational needs into General education classes; - use of robotics to develop students ' design and modeling skills; - development of logical thinking of students through the organization of chess movement; - improving the multilingual environment of the school.
Результативность работы. Результаты ЕНТ: Average UNT score: 2016 year-81,2 b. 2017 year-95,6 b. 2018 year-93,8 b.
Результаты предметной олимпиады школьников: The number of winners of the city Olympic games 2016 1, 2017 2, 2018 – 1.
Контакты: reception: 33-81-23, accounting: 33-81-46, methodical study 33-81-25
Электронная почта: sosh27@goo.edu.kz
Инстаграм: www.instagram.com/school_27_pvl
График приема: Thursday from 14.00 - 18.00 h.
Телефон доверия: 33-81-23