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Бейсенбі сағат 15:00 - ден 18:00 - ге дейін
In a year
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The XVIII regional conference on
The XVIII regional conference on "Implementation of the project of schools that promote health promotion" was held.
20-11-2019 21:05
     Today, our school hosted the XVII regional conference on the theme " Implementation of the project of schools that promote health."During the conference, reports were mad...
Results of the complex Olympiad
Results of the complex Olympiad
20-11-2019 20:16
     In the regional Olympiad in mathematics and science, the 6th grade student Inkaibek Zhuldyz won as a result of her individual abilities and knowledge and passed to the regional sta...
Girls ' sexual development, menstrual cycle
Girls ' sexual development, menstrual cycle
15-11-2019 11:26
       In girls of approximately 10-12 years, hormones of the anterior pituitary gland stimulate the development of ovaries. They produce female sex hormones, resulting in increase...
I place in togyzkumalak competitions
I place in togyzkumalak competitions
14-11-2019 09:10
   Togyzkumalak Pavlodar regional newspaper "Saryarka Samaly" I place in the XII Republican tournament for prizes nurkhanyan. Congratulations! 
" My flag, my homeland!"
13-11-2019 13:23
    13 November in our school has passed bake " My flag, my homeland!". "as part of the Patriotic campaign, a line was held. Currently, under the Blue flag of Kazakhstan, our...
Lesson on the theme:
Lesson on the theme:" I am an educational student»
12-11-2019 22:08
       Introduction of ethical standards of behavior, to give advice on politeness, to form the habit of using polite words, November 12 in the school library for 4 "a" c...
The Contest
The Contest "My Republic"
11-11-2019 17:01
   As part of the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, children of 0 a group took part in the ll International competition "My Republic" took prize 1,...
congratulations to the student of 7
congratulations to the student of 7 " G " class Batyrbek Nuril for taking the III place in the mental arithmetic competition
06-11-2019 21:26
      Congratulations to the student of 7 "G" class Batyrbek Nuril, who took the III place in the Republican contest of mental arithmetic Fast Oral Count, organized By th...
Congratulations to the winners of sports competitions!
Congratulations to the winners of sports competitions!
05-11-2019 10:09
        Students of 7 " B " class Makhambet Baurzhan took the III place in the open regional Boxing tournament among young men. Armankyzy Anel’ took III place in sp...
Жас маман
Жас маман
04-11-2019 12:34
       On 01.11.2019, a meeting with young specialists of the school-Lyceum No. 73 of Nur-Sultan city on the topic "Effective ways of implementing the digital educational syst...
October 29-guardian's Day
October 29-guardian's Day
29-10-2019 18:03
       A guardian is a person who, for various reasons, takes children left without parental care into a family and takes on a great responsibility. Raimbekova Karlagash Nikonovna...
Photo exhibition
Photo exhibition " My beloved family"
28-10-2019 20:09
        If you want to learn the inner world of the child, if you want to know his thoughts and experiences, it is important to draw a picture of "My family". Childr...
Күзгі бал
Күзгі бал
26-10-2019 10:26
         On October 25, 2019 in secondary school No. 37 among pupils of 5-8 and 9-11 classes the festive evening "Autumn ball - 2019" took place. The guys are fully...
"Отбасы - тәрбие басы, мектеп - тәрбие жаршысы" атты бірыңғай сынып сағаты өтті
25-10-2019 10:02
      The key role of the family is the task of the conceptual foundations of education in the conditions of implementation of the program of education of the younger generation - "...
Қамқоршылар күніне орай спорттық сайыс өтті
Қамқоршылар күніне орай спорттық сайыс өтті
24-10-2019 15:44
       On October 24, the sports competitions "Dad, mom, I am a sports family" dedicated to the day of the guardian were held. Parents took an active part. A total of 5 t...
А.Құнанбаевтың 185 жыл
А.Құнанбаевтың 185 жыл
23-10-2019 15:11
      On October 23, a literary review "Adamzattyn Abay" dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the birth of A. Kunanbayev was held in the school library for students of 6 &quo...
М.Дулатовтың туғанына 135 жыл
М.Дулатовтың туғанына 135 жыл
22-10-2019 15:12
         The school library was the historical lesson of "Alash arise" dedicated to the 135th anniversary of M. Dulatov.
Мемлекеттік рәміздерді насихаттау
Мемлекеттік рәміздерді насихаттау
21-10-2019 17:37
    The seminar "propaganda of state symbols"was held in school №37. The seminar was attended by teachers of General education organizations and kindergarten teachers only 250 peop...
Абылай Катия ІІІ орынға ие болды
Абылай Катия ІІІ орынға ие болды
18-10-2019 20:07
   Congratulations to Abylai Katie, who took the III place at the Republican Range Olympiad for Psychologists of Educational Organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan! Give it high tiers!
Қайырымдылық науқаны
Қайырымдылық науқаны
17-10-2019 20:05
     A "charity event"was organized in our school. Students of grades 5-8 presented delicious home-cooked dishes.