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График приема граждан:
Бейсенбі сағат 15:00 - ден 18:00 - ге дейін
In a year
In a month
In a week
16-10-2019 20:01
      Our school holds a holiday "Golden autumn". In this regard, an exhibition about the wonders of autumn was organized for students of the 1st grade. Children brought from...
«Рухани жаңғыру» атты танымдылық сабақ
«Рухани жаңғыру» атты танымдылық сабақ
15-10-2019 20:36
      On October 15, in the Spiritual Renaissance cabinet, 9th-grade pupils focused on the Future: "Spiritual Renaissance" aimed at learning about the Homeland, its history, i...
Құрмет грамотасы
Құрмет грамотасы
10-10-2019 17:01
         The Chairman of the trade Union organization Akhmetzhanova Ayymgul Sainovna was awarded for her contribution to the education system and the trade Union movement, for...
Қалалық жасөспірімдер олимпиадасында химия пәнінен Сарбопеева Зульфия 3 орынға ие болды.
Қалалық жасөспірімдер олимпиадасында химия пәнінен Сарбопеева Зульфия 3 орынға ие болды.
10-10-2019 16:50
        The pupil of 8 a class Sarbopeeva Zulfiya took the 3rd place in the city Junior Olympiad of natural and mathematical direction in chemistry. This success is the result of h...
Абай Құнанбаевтің 175 жылдығына байланысты әдеби кеш
Абай Құнанбаевтің 175 жылдығына байланысты әдеби кеш
09-10-2019 16:09
      On October 9, a literary evening dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the birth of Abay Kunanbayev was held in the school library for students of the 6th "g" class.Stud...
"Жыл мұғалімі - 2019" қорытындысы
08-10-2019 21:09
   According to the results of the city stage "Teacher of the year-2019" English teacher of secondary school №37 Sadykova Dinara Bauyrzhanovna was awarded in the nomination "S...
"ЗЕРДЕ" қалалық кезең қорытындысы
07-10-2019 21:46
Soon celebration,  Being a teacher is true.,  Being a teacher is the sun of character,  Man's gold –   Agha zhyrlagandai that poet gafu Kairbekov, teachers coin...
Мерекелік концерт
Мерекелік концерт
04-10-2019 15:46
     Teacher is a great name. Wards of families on the topic: education, good qualities in Semey and Kurchatov, moral direction-a huge work of the teacher. Therefore, he is always diffe...
Dear teachers a happy holiday!!!
Dear teachers a happy holiday!!!
03-10-2019 15:43
        Dear teachers! Thank you for the respect and love of your students. We wish you creative searches, scientific discoveries. Happy holidays! Happy holidays!
City "reading of Mukagali", winner of the Grand Prix of Ramadan Sultanovich
02-10-2019 13:05
      Congratulations to the student of 7 " a "class Sultanuly Ramadan, who took the Grand Prix in the city competition "Mukagali okulary". At the regional stage I w...
1 қазан халықаралық қарттар күні
1 қазан халықаралық қарттар күні
01-10-2019 20:44
       Respect for the elderly, respecting them is a tradition coming from ancestors. Your life experiences and advice, your teaching skills are unique to us. The reason is that ea...
Оқу жылының алғашқы жеңісі
Оқу жылының алғашқы жеңісі
30-09-2019 08:20
      The schoolgirl 8"D"class Nabilla Aldiyar gave the school its first victory in the 2019-2020 school year. In the competition for the Cup of the Republic of Kazakhstan on...
The library is the mirror of the school
The library is the mirror of the school
25-09-2019 09:59
      September 25 in the school library was held a bibliographic lesson "library-mirror of the school" for first graders and preparatory group, for the first time held during...
The regional stage of the competition
The regional stage of the competition "Teacher of the Year - 2019"
24-09-2019 22:02
     Today, September 24, the second stage of the regional competition “Teacher of the Year - 2019” was held at the base of our school. I am an English teacher, Shakubaeva M...
23-09-2019 17:00
Lyrics to us the teacher told gram, Is there anyone alive besides IP. The teacher is an expert., The main arlc properties forever.
Electora Security
Electora Security
18-09-2019 14:39
      Our school holds many events. This event was held in safety, elector 3,4,5 classes. Work on electrical safety and students.
Healthy lifestyle
Healthy lifestyle
18-09-2019 14:21
      "Purity is the basis of health, Health is the basis of wealth" – as the proverb says, it is important for a person, and the main part of human happiness is a valua...
Achievements of teachers
Achievements of teachers
17-09-2019 14:14
     Young and talented English teachers Sadykova Dinara Bauyrzhanovna in the nomination "To the heights of the master" and in the nomination "Hope" Ozykhan Ulzhan N...
Жолда жүру ережесі
Жолда жүру ережесі
16-09-2019 15:20
        Бастауыш сынып оқушыларына арналған «Жолда жүру ережесі» атты қуыршақтар театры қонаққа келді.Қойылым кезінде балалар жақсы әсер алды. Жолда жүру ережесін өмірд...
"Балалық шаққа саяхат" драмасы
11-09-2019 22:06
Қазақ балалар жазушысы Бердібек Соқпақбаевтың "Балалық шаққа саяхат" драмасының қойылымы өтті.