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email: sosh37@goo.edu.kz
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662408, 662407
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1st place in Taekwondo competitions
1st place in Taekwondo competitions
25-02-2019 14:46
Student 1 " a " class Kozhanov Batyrkhan took 1st place in the competition in Taekwondo "Cup of Astana", held in Astana. On behalf of the school congratulations!!!! Attaboy!!!! The...
Облыстық ғылыми-практикалық конференция
Облыстық ғылыми-практикалық конференция
22-02-2019 18:05
     "Өрлеу" БАҰО АҚ филиалы Павлодар облысы бойынша педагогикалық қызметкерлердің біліктілігін арттыру институты жедел жоспарға сәйкес 2019 жылы 22 ақпанда "Орта білім б...
Open lesson in natural science.
Open lesson in natural science.
21-02-2019 13:42
       school № 37 Pavlodar was held an open lesson in natural science on the topic: "microscopic examination of living organisms."The purpose of the lesson: the applicat...
Облыстық семинар
Облыстық семинар
20-02-2019 12:53
           The teacher of physics of school № 37 Amantaeva of Gulbarshyn Kabdullaevna awarded a certificate at the regional seminar "formation of...
Congratulations to the winners of the city stage
Congratulations to the winners of the city stage "Makhambet okulary"
19-02-2019 12:52
"Makhambet okulary" was held among students of city schools in three directions: promotion of creativity of the poet, development of creative abilities and education of love for spiritual he...
Congratulations on your victory!
Congratulations on your victory!
18-02-2019 12:35
In accordance with the work plan of the Department of education of the city of Semey to identify the level of subject knowledge and abilities of school students, as well as gifted children, on the bas...
Open lesson in geography
Open lesson in geography
13-02-2019 13:08
7 And the class was open lesson of geography on the theme "soil erosion". Students showed their knowledge of soil erosion. The lesson was very interesting.
Open lesson of the Russian language
Open lesson of the Russian language
12-02-2019 08:38
        As part of the introduction of multilingualism in our school was held a panorama of open lessons. So, in 6 " b "class was a lesson of the Russian l...
Republican championship
Republican championship
11-02-2019 17:49
10 Feb 2019 Astana hosted the national championship of memory Utesheva N. Duyshenbieva. In the championship we went into battle in different weight categories. Students 3 "G" class of school...
Excursion to the Museum
Excursion to the Museum
04-02-2019 13:17
Last weekend, students 6 a class visited the Museum of literature and art named after Bukhara Zhyrau. The children got acquainted with the exhibits of the Museum, learned a lot about the life of the g...
pedagogical Council
pedagogical Council
30-01-2019 17:35
ЯндексПереводчик Subject: "no path of identity formation of the graduate-multilingual communication» Purpose: to study the possibilities of the UVP for the formation of the personality...
Akim of Pavlodar A. P. Competi awarded the Directors and the teachers who prepared winners and prize-winners of regional competitions of the 2018 - 2019 school year
Akim of Pavlodar A. P. Competi awarded the Directors and the teachers who prepared winners and prize-winners of regional competitions of the 2018 - 2019 school year
29-01-2019 16:42
On January 29, 2019 he was appointed akim of Pavlodar city. P. Competi met with Directors and teachers who prepared winners and prize-winners of regional competitions 2018-2019 academic year in the cu...
Circle " the grammar of the language»
25-01-2019 14:23
In order to deepen the knowledge of students in the subjects in school № 37 Pavlodar held various clubs, special courses aimed at systematic mastery of language activities, the development of skills i...
100 electronic book as part of a program of 100 books
100 electronic book as part of a program of 100 books
24-01-2019 15:53
Secondary school No. 37 for the 11th grade of the school library was given the opportunity to read literary books using audio and video content in the electronic version via the BLIM MEDIA QROUP / BMQ...
The opening Of the year of youth with the participation of the Head of state took place today
The opening Of the year of youth with the participation of the Head of state took place today
23-01-2019 13:22
The opening ceremony of the year of youth will be attended by members of the Government of Kazakhstan, deputies of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, heads of local Executive bodies, members of the youth p...
 Preparatory work of TSPI was held
Preparatory work of TSPI was held
22-01-2019 17:08
Today, students of the 9th grade took an active part in the preparation for the assessing the quality of student access in Englishlessons. During the training, students have fixed the topics covered,...
Рroject "My flag"
21-01-2019 18:12
Students of 2 classes participate in the project "My flag", which takes place in the framework of the program "Rouhani gear". This pair awakens the students a sense of patriotism,...
Coaching "Effective planning is the key to the success of the lesson"
19-01-2019 09:15
The purpose of coaching: to Actualize the ability of teachers to set the goals of the lesson, to correlate the goals of the lesson and the expected result. By the end of the coaching session, teache...
The Winner Of
The Winner Of "Zhas Kanat"
18-01-2019 09:24
The schoolgirl of the 8 "G" class Sambulatova Dilnaz won the 1st place in the national tournament kekushinkay karate "Zhas Kanat", which was held in Almaty. Congratulations!
In the school greenhouse, students in practical work
In the school greenhouse, students in practical work
17-01-2019 08:58
      In the school greenhouse, students in practical and additional classes are caring for perennial flowers, houseplants, planted in the fall of biology teachers. In addition, dill, r...