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Сәрсенбі 15.00-17.00
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Day of Spiritual Consent
Day of Spiritual Consent
18-10-2019 18:33
      Today, the Republic marks the Day of Spiritual Consent. Kazakhstan is a country that in a difficult time of global controversy managed to make the idea of ​​spiritual harmony a re...
15-10-2019 21:10
      Today, the school-lyceum number 20 began the week of excellent marks. Everyday people who responsible for educational sector fill out a statement in which only excellent marks are...
 We are for a clean city!
We are for a clean city!
12-10-2019 14:29
      "We are for a clean city" - under this motto was held today clean-up day in the school-lyceum №20, which took an active part in participation students, teachers and...
Discussion hour at the Lyceum.
Discussion hour at the Lyceum.
10-10-2019 15:41
         In order to implement the State program «Densaulyk»for 2016-2019 regarding the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, a discussion hour  «Moral-sex...
Summing up the results of the month of languages
Summing up the results of the month of languages
09-10-2019 20:54
       Language is born and unites with people, so each language is so great for its country. The language is closely connected with the history of the people, bears the imprint of...
Өзін өзі басқару күні
Өзін өзі басқару күні
07-10-2019 21:44
     Ұстаздар күні мерекесіне арнап 5 қазан күні № 20 лицей-мектебінде көп жылдар бойы дәстүрлі болып келе жатқан өзін-өзі басқару өтті. Мектеп бітіруші сыныптарға ерекше миссия жүктелд...
Ұлы Абайдың ұлағатты  сөздері
Ұлы Абайдың ұлағатты сөздері
07-10-2019 16:48
        7 қазанда Павлодар облыстық теледидары Абай Құнанбаевтың 175 жылдығын мерекелеу аясында кезекті  Павлодар қаласындағы № 20 мектеп-лицей оқушыларын ұлы ақын мен ағартуш...
Eco Hour - Get Started Now!
Eco Hour - Get Started Now!
03-10-2019 16:01
      Today at school-lyceum №20 a single ecological class hour was held for students in grades 8-11. The event is timed to coincide with World Habitat Day - an international holiday de...
"Great steppe poetry"
02-10-2019 00:59
        Within the framework of the Month of  Languages, a competition of readers was held among pupils in grades 8-11. The children read the poems of their favorite poet...
«Birinshi Jastar Oiyndary»
«Birinshi Jastar Oiyndary»
26-09-2019 14:51
        Congratulations to Kazym Yernur and Temirbulatova Ayana, who took the 1st place in the competition of the social projectBirinshi Jastar Oiyndary.
 Victory in the competition!
Victory in the competition!
21-09-2019 15:00
    Today our lyceum students took part in the rally among the voluntary school clubs "Adal Urpak". The jury contestants presented: the video "Gemoliz Omir - Adal Omir",...
     Meeting at the library
Meeting at the library
21-09-2019 12:54
      In the framework of the Republican action" One country-one book "in the framework of the project" Bolashakka Badar:Rouhani air " a meeting was held in the chil...
     Language Professionals
Language Professionals
21-09-2019 12:37
        Within the framework of the Month of Languages, the school of lyceum 20 held a contest of expressive reading among grades 8-11. The purpose of the competition: the populari...
Tournament of Russian language experts
Tournament of Russian language experts
18-09-2019 10:51
      Within the Month of languages in school-Lyceum №20 between students of 8 В and 9 А classes was " Tournament of experts of the Russian language." The purpose of this even...
Lesson Abay.
Lesson Abay.
16-09-2019 11:45
     In celebration of the 175th anniversary of the birthday of the great Kazakh poet Abay Kunanbayev today at the secondary school-lyceum №20 held a meeting with well-known in the Repu...
We are for a healthy lifestyle!
We are for a healthy lifestyle!
09-09-2019 17:15
      Today, in the framework of the implementation of the State program of health development of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Densaulyk” for 2016-2019 and the promotion of a...
Main Pedagogical Council
Main Pedagogical Council
09-09-2019 17:11
        Today at the Secondary school - lyceum № 20 a pedagogical council “From the achieved result to new goals and productive activities” was held. At the main meetin...
"Lesson of honesty"
05-09-2019 19:30
      In order to form the moral and ethical foundations of anti-corruption behavior among students at the Seсondaryschool-lyceum №20, uniform hours “Adaldyk Sagaty” were he...
Lesson of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Lesson of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
02-09-2019 20:35
     Today, at the Secondary  School-lyceum N 20, a single lesson of citizenship and patriotism was held. The purpose of the lesson was the formation of a constitutional and legal...
01-09-2019 16:20
      On this fine September day, I want to congratulate those who study today: schoolchildren and, of course, those who provide knowledge: teachers! Let the pursuit of science and the...