Мектебіміздің дене шынықтыру пәнінің мұғалімі Қаржасов Бекболат Қасымұлы облыстық тамыз конференциясында мектеп гандбол командасын Республикалық жарыстарда сапалы дайындап, өнер көрсеткені үшін Облыст...
Жыл сайынғы облыстық тамыз конференциясында ұстазымыз Алексеенко Татьяна Александровна Қазақстан Республикасы Спорт және Мәдениет министрлігінің Алғыс хатымен, сондай-ақ оқушылар арасындағы гандболдан...
10 тамыз күні қазақстандықтар «Абай күнін» тойлауда. Осыған орай 21 ОМ мектеп кітапханашысы Шильдебаева З.А. 10 в сынып оқушылармен көрме және кітапханалық сабақ өткізді.
«Көліктегі қауіпсіздік!»
Темір жол көлігі нысандарында балалар арасында жазатайым оқиғалардың алдын мақсатында балаларды және олардың ата-аналарын- темір жол аса қауіпті аймақ екенін еске...
Today was the last day of season 2 of the Smeshariki school camp. On this day, the guys and I played in the fresh air. The guys had fun, but at the same time it was sad to realize that this is the las...
Today, the Pandi detachment made a short trip along the Irtysh River. The children were satisfied.
The Kopatych detachment took a boat trip today. The guys admired the wonderful weather, the beautiful panorama of our hometown of Pavlodar. We received a lot of positive emotions.
Today, on the day of "Tik Tok", the guys felt like real dictators, and danced the most popular trends and taught dance movements. It was very fun and interesting.
Today, the children of the Smeshariki school camp 100% felt all the charms of the motto: "The sun, air and water are our best friends!".
Today, the guys of the Kopatych detachment participated in the sports and intellectual game "Potato Games". Our team proved to be strong, hardy, smart and friendly.
Today, the Panda squad watched the movie "Thor: Love and thunder". The film ended with Thor again owning Mjolnir, going on new adventures with Love, who now owns Gromsekira. The kids liked t...
On June 7, the Kopatych detachment was at the Indian Day event. We danced to Indian songs, answered questions, and there was also a disco for children.
В целях профилактики правонарушений среди несовершеннолетних и воспитания правовой грамотности и культуры учащиеся школы приняли участие в акции "Полиция и я - хорошие друзья". В ходе акции...
Today, the guys of the KOPATYCH detachment visited an amazing exhibition of LEGO robots and models from the ROBOBRICK constructor. Where were the amazing models from the designer: Minecraft...
Today, the Pandi squad visited an amazing exhibition of LEGO robots and models from the ROBOBRICK constructor. There were models at the exhibition: Minecraft, Batmobile, Flying Dutchman and much more....
Today, the guys of the KOPATYCH and PANDI squad visited the Irtysh cinema, where they watched the cartoon "Minions", the guys liked it very much and were very happy to watch this cartoon, as...
The Kopatych detachment visited the Ertis Museum today. It exhibits exhibits related to the natural history of our region in the context of the development of the Earth and the organic world, includin...
Today, the children from the Pandi squad were happy to visit the Ertis Museum. The museum exhibits exhibits related to the natural history of our region in the context of the development of the Earth...
Today, the Kopatych detachment attended a master class on cooking delicious cookies. All the guys tried themselves as bakers, and, of course, as tasters.