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8 7182 608350
email: sosh21@goo.edu.kz
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Happy Children's Day!
Happy Children's Day!
01-06-2020 16:38
Happy Children's Day!
“Children for Peace!”
“Children for Peace!”
01-06-2020 16:25
Student of the 1st “V” class, Shepinova Angelina prepared the drawing “Children for Peace!” to the International Children's Day.
"Балаларды қорғау күнімен "
01-06-2020 16:23
Pupil 1 "K" class Ilyin Leonid congratulates all the children on Children's Day! Encourages children to spend their summer holidays with benefit!
Павлодар қаласының мектептепіне 1 сыныпқа қабылдау
Павлодар қаласының мектептепіне 1 сыныпқа қабылдау
28-05-2020 00:28
Павлодар қаласының мектептепіне 1 сыныпқа қабылдау
Прием в 1 класс в школы города Павлодара
Прием в 1 класс в школы города Павлодара
28-05-2020 00:26
Прием в 1 класс в школы города Павлодара
In order to prevent offenses, from May 25, 2020, the education department, together with the juvenile police, organized raids in microdistricts.
In order to prevent offenses, from May 25, 2020, the education department, together with the juvenile police, organized raids in microdistricts.
26-05-2020 15:18
In order to prevent offenses, from May 25, 2020, the education department, together with the juvenile police, organized raids in microdistricts. During the raid, drinking establishments, computer room...
26-05-2020 15:12
1st place in the Republican Blitz - tournament "Music", which took place in the month of May, was awarded to G. Ualieva, music teacher at the State Institution "Pavlodar Secondary Schoo...
"Best Teacher-2020"
26-05-2020 15:09
The methodological office of the Pavlodar education department held the final stage of the contest "Best Teacher-2020" among teachers of educational organizations. The purpose of the competi...
26-05-2020 15:06
The English teacher Alyona E. Zhukova had successfully completed 3-month courses in learning Kazakh language! Congratulations! We wish her speak Kazakh in a real life!
"Assessing Reading"
26-05-2020 14:47
English teachers (N.V.Butsygina, N.T. Zhumabaeva and A O. Magzhanova) attended a webinar "Assessing Reading" organized by the British Council. They studied reading assessment issues: types o...
Pupils, parents, teachers of school 21 became participants of competitions on the cess kom platform in a chess site remotely.
Pupils, parents, teachers of school 21 became participants of competitions on the cess kom platform in a chess site remotely.
26-05-2020 14:44
Pupils, parents, teachers of school 21 became participants of competitions on the cess kom platform in a chess site remotely. The most active participants are Yerkebulan Mustafa, Serik Alikhan, Alexan...
26-05-2020 14:41
Physical education teacher of "Secondary school 21" Abdalinov RT took 3rd place in the online home ball tournament in the age group of 1990 and younger. Congratulations!
26-05-2020 14:38
Oyratuly Saken, a pupil of “Secondary School 21”, took 2-nd place in the city online tournament on scoring the ball at home. Congratulations! 
26-05-2020 12:01
Steblukov Maxim took the 1st place in the city online tournament on scoring the ball at home. Congratulations! 
26-05-2020 11:58
Teachers of physical culture of "Secondary school 21" Savetina O.Yu., Gryazeva L.V. passed the online seminar for judges in sports majorettes basic level, successfully passed the exam and re...
"Kemenger Ustaz"
26-05-2020 11:40
ASIA BAYAKHMETOVNA OSPANOVA, a history teacher at the 21st school, became a prize-winner at the "Kemenger Ustaz" Republican Olympiad, organized by the Daryn.online educational platform and t...
Congratulations !!!
Congratulations !!!
18-05-2020 19:41
A student of the 10th grade Kalieva Rinata was awarded the diploma of the III degree in the regional Olympiad in the direction of "Law", which was organized by PSU named after S. Toraigyrova...
Балаларды терезеден құлаудан сақтаңыз
Балаларды терезеден құлаудан сақтаңыз
18-05-2020 19:26
Балаларды терезеден құлаудан сақтаңыз
Түлектер үшін ақпарат
Түлектер үшін ақпарат
17-05-2020 23:56
«Аймақтық мамандандырылған әскери мектеп-интернат» КММ 05.15.2020 - 06.17.2020ж аралығында әскери мектеп-интернатқа түсу үшін 9 сынып түлектерінің құжаттарын қабылдайды Ломова 180/7
"Improving teaching English in XXI century"
17-05-2020 23:51
The webinar "Improving teaching English in XXI century" (regional level) was quite interesting for the English teachers N.V.Butsygina, Nina T.Zhumabayeva and Aigul.O.Magzhanova as the curren...