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Garden on the window
27-02-2019 23:59
Garden on the window
In "Nursery garden № 86" was held a competition "Garden on the window."
The group created conditions for productive interaction of pedagogical, parental and children's community. In the process of preparation and holding of the Competition, work was done with pupils to form elementary natural-scientific ideas, labor skills in accordance with the age of children. The competition was attended by students of groups.
Children managed to grow: onions, garlic, beet roots, parsley, dill. For the growth of plants is regularly observed, kept diaries. Such work develops observation, teaches to look carefully at the surrounding nature, to establish the sequence and relationship of phenomena, their causes. The children were interesting experiments and experiments that encouraged them to self-search for the causes, modes of action, to creativity, to support the initiative, ingenuity, criticality and independence.