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International Women's day
07-03-2019 01:07
International Women's day
International Women's day – March 8 became one of the most favorite holidays in the world. And the tradition has remained to meet each new spring is a wonderful women's day. This day will warm the sun, women's smiles, decorated with a scattering of flowers. And for us it is the most favorite holiday in our group "Rodnichok". 
5,6,7 March 2019 held matinees "mother's country", dedicated to the International women's day, it was very interesting and fun. 
Children with their mothers came to the matinee dressed, cheerful in anticipation of the holiday. And their hopes were justified.
On holiday the children came to the famous cartoon characters , with him we visited many Islands of entertainment and recreation. Children with their poems, dances, songs gave mothers and grandmothers a lot of kind words, tenderness and