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Fire safety exercises
26-04-2019 17:05
Fire safety exercises
"Fire is easier to prevent than to extinguish" - this familiar phrase does not lose its relevance, especially in ensuring fire safety in children's institutions. It is at preschool and school age that the basic skills of safe behavior are laid, a careful attitude to life and the environment is developed.  
April 26, 2019 in our kindergarten was held training evacuation training to develop skills of action in emergency situations among employees and pupils of the kindergarten.
At 10.30 o'clock at the signal of the alarm button was quickly organized access of children to the territory of the kindergarten. Thanks to the competent and coordinated actions of the kindergarten staff, pupils and employees were safely evacuated from the building.
On the day of training, even the smallest pupils were no longer afraid, but clearly knew and at the same time obediently, disciplined, and even quickly performed all that the teacher told them. The evacuation took place without panic, the staff worked out all the actions according to the developed evacuation plans and instructions.  After training in the evacuation of the children repeated the rules of fire safety.