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May 1
01-05-2019 17:52
May 1
In early may, Kazakhstan celebrates one of the kindest and brightest holidays – the Day of unity of the peoples of Kazakhstan. This is a holiday of friendship, understanding and harmony, which are so necessary for peaceful life in a country where more than 150 Nations and nationalities live. The big family of Kazakhstan includes Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, Koreans, Uighurs, Kirghiz, Chinese, Jews, Armenians, Georgians and many others. Each of these peoples is unique, but together on the territory of Kazakhstan they are one friendly people. And this is the meaning of the may day holiday.
As a lot of sunlight, illuminating in these spring days our country, gives life to young sprouts, and the diversity of nationalities living in the land of Kazakhstan, contributes to the formation and prosperity of the state. There are not many countries in the world that, like Kazakhstan, can boast of such a variety of ethnic groups living in peace and harmony under the common Shanyrak.
Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan is a holiday of unity of all the peoples living in the territory of Kazakhstan. On the eve of may 1, an unforgettable day was held in our kindergarten. Children and adults widely celebrated this holiday. The opening of the holiday was listening to the Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  On this day, at the solemn line, all present were congratulated by the Methodist of kindergarten – Polyntseva Natalia. She wished everyone happiness, success, health, peace and prosperity! Also, on a ruler, diplomas and medals to winners of a semi-final of a city festival of children's creativity "Rauan"were handed over.
  In all age groups of kindergarten passed action: "I, you, he, she - together a friendly family". At the festival, children played national games, told Proverbs about friendship, sang songs, read poems in different languages, thereby proving that they are able to be friends and help each other. 
In the foyer of the garden was organized an exhibition of drawings and crafts "Under a single Shanyrak»
On this day, representatives of all nationalities celebrate may day. Peace, friendship, kindness, respect – these words at the event sounded from the lips of children in different languages and in different ways. Such holidays actively act on formation of the personality of the preschool child, promote formation of moral and Patriotic feelings, allow children to show the skills, abilities, a creative initiative, bring a certain result of pedagogical work.