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Day of knowledge
02-09-2019 22:23
Day of knowledge
We have a lot of nice
Different days in the calendar
But there is one-the most important
The very first in September!
September 1 is the day of knowledge-a traditional holiday, but preschoolers are happy to meet the school year, which will make even older, healthier and smarter little children of kindergarten.
Educators correctly identified the goals and objectives when planning classes: to summarize the knowledge of children about the holiday "day of knowledge", to develop creative imagination, memory, coherent speech, to educate the selected content of the material for the lesson in accordance with the objectives and artistic and creative activities of children. At the entertainment session, children showed high activity and enthusiasm, children showed activity and diligence and received positive emotions from the results of their creativity. The holiday of September 1 always remains unforgettable, joyful and at the same time exciting. I would like to wish the children and teachers that not only the day of September 1 was joyful, but also all the days spent in kindergarten.