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Open classes
16-10-2019 00:30
Open classes
As part of the implementation of the annual plan, our kindergarten held open screenings of educational activities of preschoolers.
Open displays of educational activities play an important role in the system of professional development of teachers and the educational process as a whole. They allow you to see how colleagues work, use their positive experience.
It should be noted that all classes were held at a high professional level, the goals and objectives were achieved in full. Educators prepared for educational activities rich, interesting theoretical and visual material, skillfully organized the subject-spatial environment. To preserve the health of preschoolers, prevent fatigue, improve their General condition, teachers actively used health-saving technologies. This is a change of dynamic poses, and physical exercises, emotional warm-UPS, minutes of rest, various types of gymnastics: for the eyes, breathing, finger, musical and rhythmic.